This thing called a Credit Score!
You may ask, do I have one? Does everyone have one? How do I get one of those?

Most of you will already be aware of this friendly monster… Why do I call it that? Because a credit score can be a friend if managed properly, or it can feel like a monster on your back if you have not paid attention to it and have mismanaged your finances.
We will address the most important points of a credit score here to start, and we will build on it as the weeks go by. It’s not that I am keeping the information from you, it is because there is a lot that has to do with your credit score.
Does everyone have a credit score?
If you have ever had a car loan, a cell phone bill, a mortgage, a student loan, a furniture loan (Brick card) or any toys you have bought on payments, such as snowmobile or quad, then you have a credit score. Basically, if you have ever owed money that you were paying back on a paymnet plan, a credit score started to build and is attached to your name.
Follow this blog to see more about your credit score, how it is calculated, how to clean up your credit, why it’s important to keep an eye on your credit score. These are only a few of the topics we will touch on about your credit score.